
June 4, 2021

Last Updated

September 27, 2023


The Muttart Foundation, University of New Brunswick, Université du Québec à Montréal

Practice Area

Intersections and Innovations

Luc Thériault, University of New Brunswick

Luc Thériault holds a PhD from the University of Toronto. He is professor of sociology and chair of the Department of Economics at the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton). His main interests are studying nonprofit and charitable organizations (as well as co-operatives) in order to understand the challenges they face and the contributions they make to our collective lives. He also has a research interest in public and social policies, in particular as they relate to topics such as social assistance, housing, and immigration.

Yves Vaillancourt, Université du Québec à Montréal

Yves Vaillancourt is professor emeritus at the School of Social Work at L’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). He is a member of LAREPPS of CRISES (Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales). He is a board member of the Groupe d’économie solidaire du Québec (GESQ). Recent publications include Une coopération innovante Québec-Haïti en agroalimentaire: L’économie sociale et solidaire en mouvement, Québec, PUQ (with Christian Jetté); “De la co-construction des connaissances et des politiques publiques” (in Sociologies); and “Décentralisation et recentralisation des politiques de soutien à domicile auprès des personnes aînées en situation de handicap – Regard croisé en France et au Québec” (with Maryse Bresson), in Les territoires de l’intervention à domicile, edited by Christian Jetté and Catherine Lenzi.
