The Foundation supports the professional development of staff of certain charities and, in some cases, board members or key volunteers of those charities.
There are two bursary programs that are available only to:
• registered charities
• that are operating in Alberta or Saskatchewan, and
• have, as a primary purpose, the provision of social services or early childhood education and care.
An organization must meet all three conditions in order to apply.
Muttart Bursary Program
Grants are usually awarded in amounts of less than $1,500 to cover the tuition or registration costs of courses, programs, conferences or other training opportunities. Courses or programs must be offered by a non-profit entity or a publicly funded post-secondary institution. Professional development opportunities may include:
- administrative courses – accounting, computer skills, communication, interpersonal skills, supervision, etc.
- program-related courses – cultural awareness, youth engagement, counseling, community development, mentoring, coaching, pedagogical leadership, child development, collective impact, outcome measurement, etc.
- management level courses – human resources, information technology, legal, communications, project and change management, operations, financial and accounting, fund development, etc.
Muttart Leadership Bursary Program
The aim of the Leadership Bursary program is to increase the capacity of management staff, or persons serving in a senior staff capacity within these charities, to contribute now, or in the near future, to leadership within or across organizations, or enhance leadership competence in key policy areas related to the charity or sub-sector’s work. Professional development opportunities may include:
- leadership courses or programs
- management programs
- governance courses or programs
- public policy courses or programs
Grants are usually awarded in amounts of less than $2,500 to cover the tuition or registration costs of leadership courses or programs. Courses or programs must be offered by a non-profit entity or a publicly funded post-secondary institution. Leadership bursaries cover course or program tuition costs, not travel, accommodation or incidental expenses.
Under both programs, the Foundation requires the staff member or key volunteer to provide a short report within 60 days following the course, conference, workshop or program. In cases where grants are awarded that exceed $1,500, the bursary recipient must also provide a return-service commitment. The length of the commitment will depend on the amount of the grant.
What Won’t be Considered
Generally, we will not fund:
- Agencies that are primarily funded through the tax base such as school boards, universities or colleges, health authorities and child-welfare authorities or band councils
- Professional development offered by for-profit entities
- Costs incurred (or committed to) before the award of the grant
- Scholarships, prizes or awards
- Practicums or workplace training apprenticeship programs
- Training that is required for mandatory certification or accreditation
- Board development or strategic planning exercises
- Travel or accommodation costs
Application Process
Please submit applications to the Foundation at least three weeks in advance of the course start date to provide sufficient time for a review of your request. If the application is received after the registration deadline, or if you have already registered for the course, the bursary will not be awarded.
If you wish to apply for a bursary, please visit our apply for funding page.