
November 13, 2024

Last Updated

November 13, 2024


The Muttart Foundation

Practice Area

Early Childhood Education and Care


System Building, System Design

The following report, prepared by The Muttart Foundation in partnership with the Saskatchewan Early Childhood Association and the Saskatchewan Early Learning and Care Leaders’ Caucus within the Canadian Child Care Federation, presents the findings from focus group discussions with early childhood educators, held in fall 2023. The discussions explored educators’ current working conditions, access to benefits and compensation and the improvements they identified as necessary to support their work with young children and improve educator retention. Educators spoke knowledgeably and passionately about their work with young children and families. They shared examples of the resources and supports that helped them create high-quality learning environments that benefit children, as well as the challenges they commonly faced in meeting children’s learning and care needs. They also commented on the improvements in educator working conditions, access to benefits and compensation needed to help recruit and retain the thousands of new qualified early childhood educators required to help build a high-quality early learning and child care system in Saskatchewan.
